The Easiest Way To Fuel Up Your Generator... Guaranteed!
When a storm hits and the power goes out, you need to get your generator running immediately…
Especially in the winter time when temperatures can dip below -30 or even -50 in some areas…
When it’s freezing outside... a few minutes can be the difference between comfort and frostbite…
The CBC reported that frostbite can occur within 2 minutes when temperatures reach -55.
Every minute is critical…
This is where the Tera Pump TRFA01 comes in handy…
It pumps 3 Gallons of fuel per minute… You will be able to fill up your generator in 2 - 4 minutes…
Once you connect the TRFA01 nozzle to your fuel tank… press the on button and watch it work.
The auto shut-off and overflow sensors were designed to prevent spills and fuel waste.
In an emergency situation every drop of fuel is precious…

If you have back issues or have ever strained your back... it's time to work smarter... not harder...
You Deserve A Tera Pump
When The Power Goes Out Be Sure To Have A TRFA01 Around To Re-Fuel Your Generator Fast... Without Back Strains or Spills...Click Green "BUY NOW" Link Below To Always Be Prepared In Emergencies.