For Immediate Release
For more information contact:
Andy Mainville
Phone: (705) 855-0473
BRS Battery Announces Launch Of Website To Serve All Canadians
- Tera Pump a US based company that manufactures the TRFA01 which is recognized as the World’s First Battery Powered Fuel Transfer Pump with an Auto-Stop and Overflow Sensor.
Chelmsford, Ontario (December 16, 2019) - The launch of the website provides Canadians with a local source to purchase TeraPump products from in Canada. This new partnership benefits all Canadians because they no longer have to pay for expensive shipping fees to send their Tera Pump products back to the United States for warranty coverage.
Andy Mainville, President of BRS Battery Ltd. is leading the new BRS Super Pumps website and distribution center. He recognized that Canadians were left out in the cold when it came to purchasing authentic Tera Pump products and getting warranty coverage. There are known issues with companies or individuals selling fake and counterfeit TeraPump products online. With the launch of the new website Canadians now have a safe, secure, and reliable place to purchase real and authentic Tera Pump products.
The most popular Tera Pump is the TRFA01 and is loved by Canadians in all provinces because it eliminates the need to lift heavy gas cans when refueling. This is important because it protects the environment by preventing fuel waste, spills on your clothes, and messy cleanups. The TRFA01 is very easy to use. You insert the suction hose into your gas can, screw the battery pack on, clip the nozzle to the gas tank you want to fill, press the “ON” button and sit back and watch the TRFA01 do all the work. It pumps 3 gallons per minute so you save a ton of time when refueling. “This is the easiest way to transfer fuel ever invented.” Andy said.
The new website is now open for business and features a modern design for ease of use, a video gallery to watch various models of TeraPump’s in action, French translation so every Canadian feels welcome, and most importantly the site is protected with 256-bit encryption technology to protect the privacy and personal information of all Canadians.
BRS Super Pumps is lead by Andy Mainville of BRS Battery Ltd. Andy is a seasoned entrepreneur who is known throughout Ontario for his outstanding customer service and strong connections in the community. Andy’s mission is to help Canadians with all of their Tera Pump needs. You can visit the new BRS Super Pumps website at